Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Shelf of Bookmen

I found this list of bookmen in the book Understanding Book Collecting by Grant Uden.

Quoted from page 220

BIBLIOCLAST- A destroyer of books

BIBLIOGNOST- One having a deep knowledge of, and insight into, books

BIBLIOGRAPHER- One skilled in matters of book history, format, editions, printing, etc.; also one who compiles a systematic list of an author's works, or one relating to a specific limited subjet

BIBLIOKLEPT-A stealer of books

BIBLIOLATER- One beset with excessive worship of books; more particularly, one with an undue reliance on the letter of the Bible

BIBLIOMANCER-One who tells fortunes by books

BIBLIOMANE (BIBLIOMANIAC)-One with mania for collecting and owning books

BIBLIOPEGIST-One having knowledge, or special love of, bindings

BIBLIOPHILE-A book lover

BIBLIOPHOBE- A book hater

BIBLIOPOLE-  A bookseller

BIBLIOTAPH-A concealer or hider of books

BIBLIOTHECARY-A keeper of books, a librarian

MONOBIBLIOPHILIST-A lover of one book

POLYBIBLIOPHILIST- A lover of many books

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