Saturday, September 1, 2012

Parnassus on Wheels

Image from The Project Gutenberg

"When you sell a man a book you don't sell him just twelve ounces of paper and ink and glue - you sell him a whole new life. Love and friendship and humour and ships at sea by night - there's all heaven and earth in a book, a real book."----Christopher Morley Parnassus on Wheels

What a wonderful thought.

If you've never read Parnassus on Wheels, it's a delightful story about a woman who journeys around in a a book wagon selling books as she travels. Since it's an older book you should be able to find a cheap copy somewhere...I got mine for a $1.00. The descriptions and romance of this lifestyle are wonderful.

You can also find more info about the book over at Project Gutenberg!

While there check out the Flickr link for the book mobiles!

Who remembers library book mobiles?
Driving around the neighborhood full of books to be checked out....There was a library book mobile in my town many years ago but sadly I never got to see it action although I did see the book mobile in the garage at the library. 

Oh, the things that we miss with the progress of time...

Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Shelf of Bookmen

I found this list of bookmen in the book Understanding Book Collecting by Grant Uden.

Quoted from page 220

BIBLIOCLAST- A destroyer of books

BIBLIOGNOST- One having a deep knowledge of, and insight into, books

BIBLIOGRAPHER- One skilled in matters of book history, format, editions, printing, etc.; also one who compiles a systematic list of an author's works, or one relating to a specific limited subjet

BIBLIOKLEPT-A stealer of books

BIBLIOLATER- One beset with excessive worship of books; more particularly, one with an undue reliance on the letter of the Bible

BIBLIOMANCER-One who tells fortunes by books

BIBLIOMANE (BIBLIOMANIAC)-One with mania for collecting and owning books

BIBLIOPEGIST-One having knowledge, or special love of, bindings

BIBLIOPHILE-A book lover

BIBLIOPHOBE- A book hater

BIBLIOPOLE-  A bookseller

BIBLIOTAPH-A concealer or hider of books

BIBLIOTHECARY-A keeper of books, a librarian

MONOBIBLIOPHILIST-A lover of one book

POLYBIBLIOPHILIST- A lover of many books

Restarting after 2 years....

After deleting and then un-deleting...I've decided that I want to keep this little book blog around. I have a couple of ideas to incorporate here and they are:

1. Sharing book art
2. Sharing quotes about books, bookselling, writing, etc.
3. Promoting authors I personally know...
4. Possible tutorials on bookbinding and repair
5. Personal experiences with books and bookselling